About Us

The story behind the Luke 24 Project.

The history of the LUKE 24 Project

The LUKE 24 Project was founded by Brandon B. of Northwest Arkansas. In his early teen years, Brandon struggled with understanding the Bible, especially the purpose and significance of the events recorded throughout the Old Testament. His frustration eventually resulted in him throwing his Bible on the floor and not pursuing growth in his faith for the next decade.

In his twenties, an older, solid believer sat down with him one evening and explained how the Bible fit together. Starting in Genesis 1, they flipped back and forth from the Old Testament to the New Testament, connecting prophecies of the promised Messiah in the Old Testament to their fulfillment with Jesus in the New Testament until they ended in Revelation 22.

Motivated by his youth experience, the Road to Emmaus graphic novels produced by the LUKE 24 Project aim to reach those struggling to understand the Bible. Although the organization hopes the content impacts many, its top priority is providing its Bible-based graphic novels to troubled youth, prison inmates, and the international mission field.

Brandon graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master's Degree in Cross Cultural Ministries (Missions) alongside his wife, who graduated with a Master's Degree in Christian Education for Women's Ministry.

Our Beliefs

The following core beliefs guide the content which is promoted by the LUKE 24 Project.

We believe:

  • The Bible is the literal, divinely inspired, and complete Word of God.
  • There is one God, creator of all things, eternally existing in three Persons.
  • Jesus Christ was and is true God and true man.
  • Man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin, and requires a redeemer.
  • The shed blood of Jesus Christ is the only divinely satisfactory payment that provides a means for eternal salvation.
  • Eternal salvation is offered freely as a gift to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
  • There is no means of salvation apart from personal faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior.
  • The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ and the bodily resurrection of those who die in Him.
  • The true church is comprised of all such persons who have been regenerated (born again) through personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior.
  • God, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, is active in the world today, convicting and regenerating man, to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The personal, imminent, pre-tribulational coming of Christ, and His physical, pre-millennial return to rule and reign the world.
  • The eternal destination of heaven for those who have trusted Christ for salvation and eternal condemnation for the unbelieving.

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Additionally, we would love to hear about how the materials have impacted your understanding of the Scriptures.

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