Journey to the Servant King

The Biblical story of the world's greatest love and only hope.

The LUKE 24 Project is a ministry that shares how the Old Testament Scriptures point to Jesus as the promised Messiah.

A series of graphic novels, Footsteps of the Christ, portrays what the conversation between Jesus and His traveling companions on the road to Emmaus might have been like as Jesus "explained to them the things written about Himself in all the Scriptures" (Luke 24:27).

View the Work in Progress

Follow the progress of the Footsteps of the Christ series as it is being produced!
The first 75 pages of Volume 1 are posted in various states - pencils, inks, colors.
Volume 1 is 132 pages total and is estimated to be released Summer 2025.

Updated Feb 25, 2025

Click here to open the flipbook preview.
Footsteps of the Christ graphic novel on a tablet preview.

The Footsteps of the Christ graphic novels are currently in production.

Meet the Characters

Below are a few of the many characters that readers will meet as they discover what the Old Testament Scriptures reveal about The Christ.

Cleopas headshot temp
A faithful follower of Jesus of Nazareth who is steeped in confusion after losing his leader...and hope.
Eldad headshot temp
The unnamed traveling companion of Cleopas, nicknamed Eldad, who has memorized much of the Scriptures.
Mysterious Stranger temp
The Mysterious Stranger
The unrecognizable but deeply knowledgeable stranger who joins them on the road to Emmaus.
Job headshot temp
A faithful man of God who reveals ancient truths about the Messiah while undergoing an extreme test.
Abraham headshot temp
After faithfully responding to God's call to leave his land, Abraham is promised a land, a seed, and a blessing.
Melchizedek headshot temp
A mysterious king-priest who establishes a role that only the ultimate Redeemer can fulfill.
Balaam headshot temp
A pagan diviner hired to curse Israel but compelled by God to bless Israel and declare truths about a coming King instead.
King David headshot temp
King David
Israel's most famous king who wrote many psalms that provide prophetic details about the King of Kings.
Serpent headshot temp
The Serpent of Old
The fallen angel, Satan, who desires God's glory for himself and will stop at nothing to thwart the promised Seed.

And many more!

Dig deeper with Bible Insights

While the graphic novels introduce Messianic prophecies from throughout the Old Testament, additional Bible commentary provides deeper insights into the prophecies, Bible doctrines, and their applications to the Christian life.

Our Approach

Interpreting Messianic Prophecies
Genesis 3:15
Read time: 2.5 minutes
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Connecting the Dots

Interconnectivity of the Bible
2 Timothy 3:16
Read time: 1.5 minutes
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Without Excuse

Undeniable evidence of a Creator
Genesis 1; Psalm 19; Romans 1
Read time: 3.5 minutes
View Insight

A word about the Word

The Person behind the power
Genesis 1; John 1
2.5 min
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